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Natural Remedies for Memory Problem

Tend to forget things like anniversaries, birthdays and assignment deadlines? Do you wish to remember things and not face the wrath of your loved ones, bosses, etc? For other general memory problems here’s a list of natural-home remedies that will encourage improvement of your memory and help you stay focused.
1.    Ginger
Ginger supports your central nervous system and has the ability to improve circulation. Incorporating Ginger in your daily diet ensures mental agility as it acts as catalyst by effectively helping other herbs to keep your memory in check and boost concentration.

2.    Apple
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is the most recognizable nutritional advice.Biting into chunks of apples is the healthiest way to consume it. High on anthocyanin red apples are generally helpful in treating the early stages of Alzheimer’s and keep your brain healthy and sharpens your memory.

3.    Almonds
Perhaps the most popular trick in this list Almonds are fabulous in enhancing memory. Soaked overnight and peeled off almonds eaten as if or in the form of paste along with a glass of milk is not only good for your intellectual powers but also useful for your eyes.

4.    Walnuts
Consumption of walnuts helps prevent memory loss and it is also known to slow down the process of Alzheimer’s. Filled with vitamin E and rich in Omega 3 fatty acids it assists in maintaining other age related mental illness too.

5.    Rosemary
Researchers advocate that sniffing the smell of rosemary essential oil can improve the prospective memory of those over 65 along with increasing alertness. Sniffing rosemary before an exam has also been said to improve mental performance while taking exams.

6.    Caffeine
A cup of coffee daily could help halt memory loss. Infact, Caffeine in any form – tea, can of soda, etc is said to be energy boost worldwide. But Researchers suggest the popular stimulant can also be used as a memory enhancer. Caffeine supposedly has a positive effect o the long term memory.

So,there you have it…a list of home remedies to stay sharp and avoid forgetfulness! Live by these power foods and never forget another birthday ever again.

Preventive Health Checkup.

How to prevent osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is basically a bone disease that occurs when the body loses too much bone, makes too little bone, or both. As a result, bones become weak and may break from a fall or, in serious cases, from sneezing or minor bumps.  Osteoporosis means “porous bone.” Viewed under a microscope, healthy bone looks like a honeycomb. When osteoporosis occurs, the holes and spaces in the honeycomb are much larger than in healthy bone. Osteoporotic bones have lost density or mass and contain abnormal tissue structure. As bones become less dense, they weaken and are more likely to break.

The prevention of osteoporosis:
There are many way’s you could stop osteoporosis and if you do it right you can make up for it.

The first way is, You can build strong bones and help prevent osteoporosis with weight -bearing exercise and a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D. Young women in particular need to be aware of their risk for osteoporosis . They can take steps early to slow its progress and prevent complications.

The second way,  is to exercise your bones. The weight – bearing exercise can help prevent osteoporosis which includes, jogging, aerobics, dancing, tennis and other racket sports, climbing stairs and etc.

Strength training is also key to preventing  osteoporosis . Your muscles pull on your bones when you work them. That builds bone strength. These workouts also make you more flexible and lower the chances that you’ll fall -- the No. 1 reason for broken hips.

The third way, food for osteoporosis prevention. You need to know to eat right to stop osteoporosis. The food you should eat very importantly is vegetables, milk, salmon , almond’s and  fortified breakfast cereals.

The fourth and the last very important ways to prevent osteoporosis is to stop the pop, cut down on protein, keep your stomach acid, cut on caffeine, get the right kind of calcium, get some sun, have your harmones checked, change your diet, reduce stress and mainly exercise more. These are the very important step’s that could help you to get rid of osteoporosis.